Bec Reid Photography

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can't put a price on good lighting...

No, really - you can't.

I appreciate good lighting so much...I often find myself wanting to buy a muffin basket for certain lighting techs. Such as the ones who do Easterfest, and more recently the Youth Alive LoveIs event at the Brisbane Riverstage. Possibly the best YA event I've been to (and I've been to a few...) in terms of sound/lighting/organisational quality. Mr Christopher Wayne the magician had a new trick for us (The Morph = awesome) and I really enjoyed his show.

Not that great lights automatically means great photos, but gosh does it help!

I had a blast that night...and not just due to the icy winds coming off the Brisbane river only a few metres away. It was an amazing night. I found myself actually listening to the main speaker there that night (at previous events I have tended to tune out the speakers)  and really enjoyed the music put on by Jonnday and The Almost. Aaron Gillespie is a pleasure to photograph....really he is. Plus he's a redhead - and we're all awesome.


 That's the amazing logo thing made by one of the Youth Alive staffers. Foam, I believe. Brisbane city can be seen though the windows.
Aaron Gillespie


  1. Hi Bec,

    I love great lighting as well. The Blink 182 show was extremely bright. It was so intense that some of my shots are at ISO's as low as 250

    I just with they would have added a little bit of color.

    Keep making great looking photos....


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